Monday 2 November 2015

Why I look for the Chicken Soup Series in Every Bookstore

I went to a book festival yesterday and like any other book lover, had a great time. There were tons of stalls with old books at reduced prices (yes, a total paradise). This is where I found a stack of books of the Chicken Soup series. For anyone who doesn’t know the Chicken Soup series, it is a great series of books that has a collection of real life stories and poems. These stories are sometimes funny, sad and sometimes purely inspirational. There are books for almost every kind of soul: Mother’s soul, daughter’s soul, teenage soul, dog lover’s soul, bride’s soul…
I started reading these books when I was probably a teenager. And I’m grateful for having read them when I did. When I read the Mother’s Soul, I caught a glimpse into the lives of mothers all over the world. There were stories about mothers, being a mother, loving a mother and the unconditional love that a mother has for her little ones even when they’re not so little anymore.
When I read the Teenage Soul, I could see that being a teenager is not always easy. Yes we are young but we are also experiencing so many things for the first time. Reading and knowing about teenagers all over the world going through similar things makes the journey easier.
When I read various books of the Chicken Soup series, I read simple poems that spoke about the importance of never giving up no matter how long a race is and how many times we fall. We win the race just by getting up again. I read a story about how you can change the lives of several people with just one smile. I read the story of a teacher who brought about positive influence in the lives of many of her students. I read several love stories and realized the importance of handwritten love letters, of caring for one another and of being there for each other through thick and thin.
There is a reason I still look out for the Chicken Soup series when I go to the bookstore. I love picking up one of these books at the end of long, hard day and reading refreshing stories about humans all over the world. I like the fact that on this platform, many people come forward to become a writer and share their stories on a global level. I like gathering inspiration from other people’s lives in order to lead my life in a better and more positive way.

Favourite Quotes:
1)      “Get up and win the race!” – The Race
2)      From a child to his mother: “I need a hug. I used up the last one.” – An illustration in one of the books

The Perennial Reader :)