Thursday 4 June 2015

Interesting Places I’ve Found Book Recommendations (Part 1)

Lately, I have been trying to find new books to read and have been looking around for recommendations everywhere. So I thought it was a good idea to pull up a list of where I’ve found these recommendations. We all have friends who give us great suggestions and my ultimate favourite is to go stand in the middle of a bookstore and spend hours trying to pick out the perfect book (or two! We’ve all been there, right?) But there are some great places online as well that have gotten me some great recommendations! Here are a few of them:
1)      Review Blogs:
There are so many of these great blogs out there on the internet that you can spend hours just browsing the thoughts of fellow book lovers and trying to find the next great read. I have been binge reading a lot of Young Adult literature and my latest favourite blog is called YA Crush. They have reviewed tons and tons of YA books and I have them to thank for introducing me to great reads like Anna and the French Kiss (St.Clair!), Lola and the Boy Next Door (Cricket Bell!!!), The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks (Go Frankie!) and many more. I knew I could count on this blog the minute I saw a list of reasons “why Michael Moscovitz is the fake man of her dreams” on the blog. I have been in love with Michael Moscovitz since I was 16. And thanks to the glorious Meg Cabot, we get to meet him again this June in the eleventh Princess Diaries book, The Royal Wedding!
2)      Instagram
This is one place I honestly did not think I would find books. But I was pleasantly surprised. There are these amazing book lovers who post pictures of their books and beautiful bookshelves crammed with tons and tons of great reading material (Translation: Great recommendations!). When I spotted my favourites Harry Potter (Ah Harry! I am yet to meet a book better than you!) Divergent (Four. Nuff said), Fangirl (Baz Fan through and through) and many more such gems peeking through the many beautiful filters of Instagram, I knew I just had to follow some of these accounts!
3)      Goodreads
This is a website where you can create an account and keep track of all the books you have read, see what other people are saying about the books you want to read and join groups for book suggestions and discussions. I found this awesome website a few years back and have actually become friends with a few authors. I enjoy reading the reviews for the books I really want to read and Goodreads automatically shows suggestions based on what you’ve browsed. There are lists, quizzes, giveaways and so much more.
4)      Amazon
I love the recommendations (“Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” part) that appear at the end of the page after you scroll through some of the books that you’re actually looking for. These recommendations look like virtual suggestions from people who like to read the same kind of books that you do. I found Kasie West’s The Distance Between Us like this. And if you read my review, you’ll know I adored the book. J
5)      Lists from various Websites (Buzzfeed)
Nowadays, lists are all the rage. There is a list for almost every genre. I’ll admit, these lists are sometimes fun to read. My favourite type is the one that gives me book recommendations (27 books falling off the TBR shelf but oh yeah! We totally need more!) or the ones that give us reasons why readers are so awesome (right right??). My browser bookmarks section is filled with these lists just so that I can go back and check out the new reads when I’m in need of one.
I’m going to leave it at this and call it Part 1. I’ll give it time and come up with Part 2 hopefully someday soon.
Gotta go!
The Perennial Reader. J

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